perm filename D9[IJ,DBL] blob sn#156631 filedate 1975-04-29 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	.DEVICE XGP
C00007 00004	5↓_1. Experts and Beings_↓*
C00016 00005	5↓_2. Experts Interacting_↓*
C00029 00006	5↓_3. The Program the Experts Wrote_↓*
C00035 00007	5↓_4. Anatomy of Synergetic Cooperation_↓*
C00045 00008	5↓_5. Internal Details of Beings_↓*
C00048 00009	2↓_5.1. Control in the PUP6 System_↓*
C00058 00010	2↓_5.2. Keeping the User Informed_↓*
C00064 00011	5↓_6. Theory of Pure Beings Systems_↓*
C00074 00012	5↓_7. Experimental Results_↓*
C00086 00013	2↓_7.2. The Range of Programs Synthesized by PUP6_↓*
C00091 00014	5↓_8. Conclusions_↓*
C00097 00015	5↓_References_↓*
C00100 00016	5↓_Appendix 1: A Typical Being_↓*
C00108 ENDMK

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	Knowledge may be organized  as  a
community  of  interacting  modules. Each module is granted
a complex structure, to simulate a particular expert in some small domain.
An extended analogy is drawn to a group of cooperating human specialists.
Based on this,
an internal constraint is imposed on the modules:
Their structure  must be  standard  over  the  entire
Some advantages  of  a  uniform  formalism are thereby preserved.
An  experimental  community was
implemented  for  the task domain of automatic programming.
It has managed to synthesize 
a few inductive
inference  LISP  programs, nonformally,  from  specific  restricted
dialogues with a human user. 


⊗5↓_1. Experts and Beings_↓⊗*

Consider an interdisciplinary enterprise, attempted by a community of human
experts who are specialists in -- and only in -- their own fields.  What modes of 
interactions will be productive?  The dominant paradigm might well settle into
⊗4questioning and answering⊗* each other.
Instead of a chairman, suppose the group adopts rules for
gaining the floor, what a speaker may do,  and how to resolve disputes.
When a topic is being considered, one or two
experts might recognize it and speak up. In the course of their exposition
they might need to call on other specialists. This might be by name, by specialty,
or simply by posing a new sub-question and hoping someone could recognize his own
relevance and volunteer a suggestion.  Such transfers would be more common at
the beginning, when the task is (by assumption) too general for any one member to
comprehend.  As the questions focus on more specific issues, single individuals
should be able to supply complete solutions.
If the task is to construct something, then the
activities of the experts should not be strictly verbal.  Often, one will 
recognize his relevance to the current situation and ask to ⊗4do⊗* something:
clarify or modify or (rarely) create.

What would it mean to ⊗4simulate⊗* the above activity?  Imagine several little 
programs, each one modelling a different expert. What should each program,
called a ⊗4Being⊗*, be capable of?  It must possess a corpus of specific facts and
strategies for its designated speciality. It must interact via questioning and
answering other Beings. Each Being should be able to recognize when it is relevant.
It must set up and alter structures, just as the human specialists do.

Let us return to our meeting of human experts.
To be more concrete, suppose their task is to design and code a large
computer program: a concept formation system[2]. Experts who will be useful
include scientific programmers, non-programming psychologists,
system hackers, and management personnel.
What happens in the ensuing session?  When an expert participates, he will
either be aiding a colleague in some difficulty
or else transferring a tiny, customized 
bit of his expertise (facts about his field) into a programmed function
which can do something.  The final code reflects the members' knowledge,
in that sense.
One way the session might proceed is for the specialists to actually ⊗4do⊗*
the concept formation task. As they become familiar with what part of their own
expertise is being called upon, and in what ways, they can begin to isolate it.
When it is clear precisely what each is doing, they can take their extracted
bits of knowledge,
organize them,
formalize them, and program them.  {A conscious
effort along these lines was made in [8], where experts gradually replaced
themselves by programs.  Instead of discussing how to write a speech program,
they ⊗4did⊗* speech recognition, until each one could introspect sufficiently
into his own activities to formalize them.}  For our task, one expects the
psychologists to dominate the early discussions, later yielding to programmers.
The project sponsor might be passive, submitting a single specification order for
the program, or active, participating in the work as a (somewhat priveleged) member
of the team. This individual is the one who wants the final product, hence will be
called the ⊗4user⊗*.

How could Beings do this? There would be some little program containing information
(much more than would be used in writing any single concept formation program),
another Being who knows
how to manage a group to
⊗6WRITE-PROGRAMS⊗*, and many lower-level specialists, for example 
Like the human specialists,
the Beings would contain far too much information, far too
inefficiently represented, to be able to say "we ourselves constitute
the desired program!"
They would have to discuss, and perhaps carry out, the concept formation task. They
would write specialized versions of themselves, programs which could do exactly what
the Beings did to carry out the task, no more nor less (although they would
hopefully take much less time, be more customized).
This activity is referred to in the sequel as ⊗4automatic programming⊗*.
Some Beings 
(e.g., ⊗6TEST⊗*) may have several
distinct, streamlined fractions of themselves in the final program. Beings 
which only aided other Beings 
may not have ⊗4any⊗* correlates in the final
synthesized code.


An experimental system, PUP6, was designed and partially implemented. PUP6 
synthesized a concept formation program (similar to [7]), but the user, who is
human,  must 
come up with certain specific answers to some of the Beings' critical queries.
A grammatical inference program and a  simple property list maintenance routine
were also generated.
A few new Beings had to be added to PUP6 to synthesize them.

The next section illustrates how the experts might have cooperated on the task
of writing the concept formation program. Section 3 describes the program they
produced. Next comes the Being hypothesis: complex but standard
anatomy.  Later sections explain this, both theoretically and by examining
the behavior of the actual PUP6 pool of 100 Beings.
The appendix exhibits a typical Being.


⊗5↓_2. Experts Interacting_↓⊗*

The input/output behavior of the desired concept formation program
is specified in this section, and we eavesdrop on a simulated
group of specialists  as they get to work on writing it.
As the presentation of the experts' activities
becomes more specific, the reader's currently vague
conception of Beings 
will be made less amorphous (because Beings are constrained to carry on
approximately the same discussion as the experts below do).

Externally, the concept formation task can be specified as follows: pictures of
structures (built out of simple geometrical shapes) will be presented one after
another. For each such scene, 
the concept formation program, call it CF, must guess its
name. The presenter will then reveal the correct name of the structure. CF
must quickly
learn to identify simple structures (ARCH, TOWER), and must
never make the same mistake twice in a row.
Assume, as given, a process which extracts a description of a visual scene.

	Our group of experts are given this specification for CF. 
Assume that the user
(the financial sponsor) is available for resolving important 
questions, via messenger, and he may in fact
ask questions of the group.  
Whenever an expert speaks, almost all the others in the room hear him. Usually
only a few can benefit from what he says, and fewer still care to react.
The conversation in the room might go something like
the following (the suggestive names of the experts are of course coincidental):


GENL-MANAGER: Can anybody here figure out what to do, what the user's saying? (waves
the input/output specifications in the air)

PGM-MANAGER: I can. He wants a computer program to be written. If somebody will
explain the task "con-cept-for-ma-tion" to me a little more clearly,
I'll delegate it properly.

PSYCH: Permit me to assist you. I know all about concept formation.
In fact, my master's thesis...

PGM-MANAGER: Wait, the user must be told that 
we'll be able to handle the job for him.

MESSENGER: Here, I can take that message. Go on with your work.

PGM-MANAGER: We need a name for this program. Somebody get one, please.

NAMER: How about "CONCEPT"? Maybe just "CF". Let's ask the user to decide.

MESSENGER: (panting) I just came back from there! Alright, I'm going...
User says to call it "CF".

PGM-MANAGER: Now then, I have four people in mind, one of whom must take over 
now in an important way. Each of them always wants to do something different.

CHOOSER: Give me their names and I'll choose the best one for you.


CHOOSER: You four experts each must justify to me why 
you should take control now.

INFO-OBTAINER: We already have some unused information, so I guess I can wait.

INFO-USER: Let me have the floor! I know what to do with the user's specification.

PGMMER: Well, I suppose I could set up some "empty" top-level function, er...

ANALYST: Marginal profits accruing from my working at this point in 
time do not warrant...

CHOOSER: Okay, INFO-USER, you seem to be the only relevant expert.

INFO-USER: First thing is for PSYCH to tell us how to actually ⊗4do⊗*
concept formation.

PSYCH: There are several decisions to be made, depending on what your independent
variables and your experimental setup are. For example, are we studying one 
individual, or must our program adapt to simulate many different subjects? Must
stimulus items be just classified, or classified and ordered, 
or classified and ordered and
metrized? Are the scenes left in view indefinitely, or just the current scene, or is
even that one just flashed before the subject for a limited time? May the subject
make written notes? 
Can he learn from positive instances of the concepts?
from negative instances?
Is there to be any positive transfer effect...?

DEFER: Hold on here; we can't swamp the user with lots of unnecessary questions.
Let's go through each one and see if it can wait.
Consider the  decision about the task being classificatory, comparative, or
metrical. What is the first situation where that decision really matters?

WHEN-NEXT: This involves a list of alternatives. Who knows about that?

ALTERNATIVES: I know a few tricks here. If all the alternative sequences
of activities have the same initial subsequence, then do that common
subsequence before making the decision.

UTILIZE: In this case, all three begin by partitioning a domain of elements.

DEFER: Temporarily, replace the task CF by the task of partitioning a domain.
⊗4(The user is informed of this.)⊗*
Now consider the decision about subject-specific behavior being required.

PSYCH: This involves periodically inputting a description of the human subject.

CODER: That would mean adjusting the algorithms based on a vector of parameters.

WHEN-NEXT: This would probably affect the entire code. 

DEFER: I can't defer this decision. Someone resolve it.

RESOLVE: Ask the user about it.

ASK-USER: Phrase this as a yes/no question. Explain each alternative to the user.

MESSENGER: That's my job... ⊗4<types on teletype>⊗* 
User says no, don't simulate different people.

DEFER: The next decision... 

⊗4Eleven decisions are ultimately proposed by PSYCH, and all but one are deferred.⊗*

INFO-USER: I have no objections now if someone wants the floor.

PGM-MANAGER: Do any of the other three experts I mentioned earlier want
to speak now?

PGMMER: Yes. I think that the top-level function CF can now be coded.

CODER: Give me the arguments and the body of the code.

PGMMER: There are no known arguments. The body is a call on ⊗4PARTITION-DOMAIN⊗*.

CODER: Okay. I will precede that with a call to an ⊗4INITIALIZE⊗* function,
and follow it
with a call to a ⊗4FINALIZE⊗* function, which are both defined as NIL for now.
Is ⊗4PARTITION-DOMAIN⊗* simple enough to be composed right now and filled in here?

MATHEMATICIAN: No way. Any realizate...

CODER: Uh, thanks. There. The function CF is defined as:


ANALYST: Remind me to examine the initialization and finalization functions at the
end of our task. If either function is still null, it will be deleted.

WARNER: I have just put that note into the code for CF, 
as a comment of type "demon".

PGMMER: Can someone advise me of what else to do to finish defining this function?

PGM-MANAGER: Each function should have a proper name. Show the user the names you
have picked, and let him choose other ones if he prefers.

MESSENGER: Okay... The user agrees to all 3 names.

INFO-USER: Somebody, please tell the group 
how to ⊗4do⊗* partitioning of a space of examples.
A complete script, like the above, was constructed by hand.
In the sequel, this will be referred to as the ⊗4protocol⊗*.
In all, 87 different experts were called for: 17 specificly dealing with
inductive inference tasks, and 70 dealing with programming, managing workers,
and communicating with the user.
Near the end of the protocol, the user is asked which of the three types of concept
formation CF is supposed to do. He responds "⊗4CLASSIFICATORY only⊗*", and the
experts discover that they are finished. All the newly created code is dumped
out onto a fresh file:
After hundreds of pages, a
concept formation program meeting the user's specifications had been written.
The next section will describe that program in detail.


⊗5↓_3. The Program the Experts Wrote_↓⊗*

One of the experts at the simulated
meeting must have read P. Winston's dissertation[7],
because CF, the synthesized concept formation program, was remarkably similar to
the one therein described. 
CF has a much simpler graph-matching algorithm, and relations on relations
are stored in a different way than simple relations on objects.
Since CF was later synthesized by PUP6, the
programmed pool of Beings, it is worth detailing here.

CF repeatedly scans a scene and tries to name it. As a first step, the scene
is broken into a set of objects and a set of features (relations on those
objects). CF maintains a model for each differently-named scene it has
encountered. A model contains a description of the objects one expects in
such a structure, a set of features which ⊗4must⊗* be present in any scene
having this name, a set of features which ⊗4must not⊗* be present if the scene
is to have this name, and a set of features which ⊗4may⊗* be present or
absent. Thus a model is an archetypical scene plus a name.
For example, part of a scene might be described as:
\⊗2RELATIONS⊗*\(Green a) (Blue c) (Touches c d) 
\\\(Supports a c) (Supports b c)
CF's current model for an arch might be:      	   
\⊗2MUST⊗*\\(Supports a c) (Supports b c)
\⊗2MUSTNOT⊗* \(Touches a b)
\⊗2MAY⊗*\\(Green a) (Wedge c) (Prism a) (Block b) 
\\\(Parallel a b) (Red a) (Red b)

Each time it is confronted by a new scene, CF  must
scan its models until it finds one which matches it. A model is said
to match a scene if all the MUST features associated with that model
are observed in the scene, and all the MUSTNOT  features  are
absent  from  the   scene. CF
informs the user of this guess,
and accepts the proper  name. If it  guessed  incorrectly,  CF
modifies its models. The wrong-guess model may have features added to
its MUST or MUSTNOT sets.  This is sufficient to
prevent CF from making the same wrong guess twice in succession.
The correct-name model may have  to
be  modified or (if it's a new name) created and inserted into the
list of models, to ensure that CF will eventually learn that concept.
A ⊗4concept⊗* here simply means a model; i.e., all scenes having a given name.

	Suppose  that the target program reads in the above
scene fragment and
tries to match it to  the  above  ARCH model.  The  MUST
relations  should  all  be  present.   Yes,  the  scene  does contain
(SUPPORTS a c) and (SUPPORTS b c). Next, the MUSTNOT  relations  must
be absent from the scene. Sure enough, (TOUCHES a b) isn't there.  So
the model and scene are consistent, and the program announces that its
guess is ARCH.  
If the user verifies this guess,
then  the MAY set of the ARCH model
is augmented with the relations (BLUE c) and (TOUCHES c d), and
the OBJECTS set is augmented with "d."
	If the user denies that the scene is an arch, CF
sees if there are any relations in the ARCH model's MAY set which do not
occur in the scene. If so, one of them (e.g., (PARALLEL a b)) will
be transferred from the MAY to the MUST set.  If no such feature 
existed, the program would look for a feature present in the scene
but not mentioned in any set of the ARCH model (e.g., (TOUCHES c d)), and insert
it into the MUSTNOT set.  In either case, the user would
be asked what the true name was, and that
model would have its MAY set augmented by any new 
features in the scene and by any features on  the true-name model's
which contradicted the scene.

⊗5↓_4. Anatomy of Synergetic Cooperation_↓⊗*

Consider the birth of one small idea necessary in the writing of CF
(e.g., that of classifying a model's features into three categories
No single specialist at the meeting could have had this idea by himself.
How do intellects mesh, 
effectively communicate, and unite their powers?
A tentative mechanism, which barely scratches the surface of this mystery, will
be hypothesized. The Beings in PUP6  embody this
concept, and are able to reproduce both the experts' discussion and
the final CF program.

Viewing the group of experts as a single entity, what makes it
productive? The members must be very different in abilities, in order to handle
such a complex task, yet similar in basic cognitive structure 
(in the anatomy of their minds) to
permit facile communications to flow.
For example, each specialist knows how to direct a programmer to do
some of the things he can do, but the specific facts each expert has
under this category must be quite unique. Similarly, each member may have
a set of strategies for
recognizing his own relevance to a
proposed question, but the ⊗4contents⊗* of that knowledge varies from
individual to individual.  The hypothesis is that all the experts can be
said to consist of categorized information, where the set of 
categories is fairly standard, and indicates the ⊗4types⊗* of questions
any expert can be expected to answer. An expert is considered ⊗4equivalent⊗*
to his answers to several standard questions.
Each expert has the same mental "parts", it
is only the values stored in these parts, their contents,
which distinguish him as an individual. 

Armed with this dubious view of intelligence, let us return to the design of
Beings. Each Being shall have many parts, each possessing a name (a question it
deals with) and a value (a procedure capable of answering that question).
Henceforth, "⊗4part⊗*" will be used in this technical sense.
When a Being asks a question, it is really just one
part who is asking. In fact, it must be that the ⊗4value⊗* subpart of some part
can't answer ⊗4his⊗* question without further assistance. He may not know
enough to call on specific other
Beings (so he lets anyone respond who feels relevant), but
he should ⊗4always⊗* specify what Being ⊗4part⊗* the question should be answered by.
By analogy with the experts, each Being will have the same "universal" 
set of types of parts (will answer the same kinds of queries), and this uniformity 
should permit painless intercommunication. Since the paradigm of
the meeting is questioning and answering, the names of the parts should
cover all the types of questions one expert wants to ask another. Each part of
each Being will have implicit access to this list: it may ask only these
types of questions. Each Being should ⊗4not⊗* have access to the list of all
Beings in the system: requests should be phrased in terms of what is wanted;
rarely is the name of the answerer specified in advance.
(By analogy: the human speaker is not aware of precisely who is in the room;
when he feels inadequate, he asks for help and hopes someone responds).
Another point is that Beings are not a recursive concept (like ACTORs[3] are):
a part of a Being is a brief collection of knowledge (usually procedural), not
another Being; a collection of Beings (also called a community, a pool,
the system, or a group)
is also not itself a Being. There are no ⊗4structured⊗* clusters of Beings.

Once again: the concept of a pool of Beings is that many entities coexist, each
having a complex structure, but that structure does not vary from Being to Being.
This idea has analogues in many fields: transactional analysis in
psychology, anatomy in medicine, modular design in architechture.

How can we test out this idea? We must build a pool of Beings, a modular program
which will interact with a human user and generate the CF program.
Recasting the idea into operational terms, we arrive at this procedure for
writing a pool of Beings: 


(1) Study the task which the pool is to do. See
what kinds of questions are asked by simulated experts. 

(2) Distill this into
a core of simple questions, Q,
in such a way that each inter-expert question or transfer
of control can be rephrased in terms of Q. 
The size of Q is very important.
If Q is too large, addition of new
Beings will demand either great effort or great intelligence (an example of a
system like this is ACTORS). If Q is too small, all the non-uniformity is simply
pushed down into the values of one or two general 
catchall questions (all first-order
logical languages do this). 

(3) List all the Beings who will be
present in the pool, and fill in their parts. 
The time to encode knowledge into many simple representation schemes is
proportional to the square of (occasionally exponential in) 
the amount of interrelated knowledge (e.g., consider the frame problem).
The filling in of a new Being is  ⊗4independent⊗* of
the number of Beings already in the pool, because Beings can communicate
via nondeterministic goal mechanisms, and not have to know the names of the Beings
who will answer their queries. This filling in is  ⊗4linear⊗* in the number of
Being parts listed in Q; all parts of all Beings must be (at least, should be)
filled in.

(4) The human user interacts with the completed
Being community, until the desired task is complete.


Section 5 clarifies the effects of
constraining that Q be constant (over all the Beings in the system).
Theoretical aspects of Being systems follow,
in section 6. 
Next comes an evaluation of PUP6's behavior.
The uses and the problems with Beings are summed up in the final section.


⊗5↓_5. Internal Details of Beings_↓⊗*

A set of 29 ubiquitous questions were chosen, representing everything one
expert might want to ask another. 
At least, they naturally encompass those questions which were asked during the
simulated meeting, hence should be sufficient for generating CF.
Q, this universal set of Being parts, is listed in Appendix 1.
The reader is urged to glance at this now, and refer to it whenever a Being
part is specifically mentioned.

Each of the 100 Beings in PUP6 should have
had a value for each part (in reality, only 40% 
of these 2900 slots
were filled in; only 30% were
actually necessary to generate CF). A value for a part is simply a LISP
program which can answer that question, often by asking questions of the
same Being, of other Beings, and of the user. A part may also assert some fact,
create or modify some structure (including demons, Beings, and parts of Beings).
Appendix 1 shows the values stored under each part
for the typical Being named "⊗6INFO-OBTAINER⊗*".

The set of parts breaks into three rough categories: (1) those parts which
are useful in deciding which Being gets control, 
(2) those which are used once
the Being gains control,
and (3) those useful only to
answer the user's questions and keep him oriented.
The next section describes categories 1 and 2; the section after that
explicates the third category of Being parts.

⊗2↓_5.1. Control in the PUP6 System_↓⊗*

At the humans' meeting, only one expert spoke at a time; in the Beings
community, only one Being has control at any given moment. He uses his
parts to do things (ask, create, modify), and yields control either
voluntarily or through interruption. 

In slightly more procedural terms, the scenario is as follows. One part of
a Being senses its relevance (often the IDEN or EFFECTS parts, which are
united with all such parts to form a large production system[5]). If more than
one Being wants control at any time, a special Being, CHOOSER, seizes
control momentarily. He asks each competing 
Being to evaluate its WHEN part, to see
how seriously it needs to go immediately. If some Beings are still tied for
first place, he asks them to evaluate their COMPLEXITY parts, to see which is
the simplest. If any ⊗4still⊗* tie for top, one is randomly chosen. In any
case, the winner is then passed control. Once in control, a Being arranges
some of its parts in some order and evaluates them. For example, the ARGS
part might be first; if it asks for some arguments which no Being has 
supplied, then the whole Being might decide to fail. Some  parts, when evaluated,
might create a new Being, might ask questions which require this whole process
to repeat recursively, etc. 
This "asking" really means broadcasting a request to one or two parts of
every Being; for example "Is there a known fast way of gronking toves?" would
be asked as a search for a Being whose COMPLEXITY part indicated speed, and whose
EFFECTS part contained a production with a template matching "gronking toves".
A list of the responders would be returned. 
(Incidentally, GERUND would recognize this, but later give up when no one
could recognize "gronk toves".)
The questioner might pose some
new questions directly to these Beings, might turn control over to them directly,
etc. One way or another,
the Being eventually relinquishes control. If it had no direct successor in mind,
all the Beings are asked if they want to take over.  
There will always be ⊗4some⊗* Being who will take over;
the general management
types of Beings are always able  -- but reluctant  -- to do so. 

How does each Being decide which parts to evaluate, and in which order,
once it gains control?
The answer might seem to be difficult or tedious for whoever writes
Beings, since it might vary from Being to Being. In fact,
it doesn't!
The commitment to a universal set of Being parts is inefficient in some ways
(each Being ⊗4needed⊗* only a third of all the parts) but allows for some
simplifications right here. 
What parts should be evaluated, and in what order, when a 
Being gains control? This decision depends primarily on the ⊗4types⊗* of parts
present in the Being, not on their ⊗4values⊗*.  But every Being has the same
anatomy, so one single algorithm can assemble any Being's parts into an executable
LISP function. Moreover, this assemby can be done when the system is first
loaded (or when a new Being is first created), and need only be redone for a
Being when the values of its parts change. Such changes are rare: experts are
not often open-minded. 
The precise algorithm is sketched in the box below. The parts useful here include

⊗2↓_Assembling a Being into an executable function_↓⊗*

When a Being ⊗4B⊗* first gains control, its ⊗6EXPLICIT-ARGS⊗* are bound. The
⊗6IMPLICIT-ARGS⊗* are initialized, the name ⊗4B⊗* is pushed onto the Being
control stack, and any newly-activated ⊗6DEMONS⊗* are so tagged. The
Being who called ⊗4B⊗* should have explained his reasons by assigning
some phrase to the variable ⊗6BECAUSE⊗*.  This reason is now stored as a
special sub-part of the ⊗6WHY⊗* part of ⊗4B⊗*.
⊗6BECAUSE⊗* is rebound periodically in the ⊗6META-CODE⊗* and ⊗6COMMENTS⊗* parts, to
keep current the explanation of each call that ⊗4B⊗* makes. 
Each ⊗6ARG-CHECK⊗* predicate is evaluated. If any returns NIL, the
entire Being reports that it has failed; otherwise, the
⊗6PRE-REQUISITES⊗* are examined. Effort is expended to make them true, if they
are currently not satisfied. Each ⊗6COMMENT⊗* is evaluated, then the
⊗6CO-REQUISITES, META-CODE⊗*, and the current demons
are executed in pseudo-parallel.  Each ⊗6POST-REQUISITE⊗* is then examined, and
an effort made to satisfy it.  The newly-activated demons are exorcized,
⊗4B⊗* is popped from the Being control stack,
and the value computed by the ⊗6META-CODE⊗* is returned.
Some heuristics were devised to take advantage of the fact that the Beings often
didn't need many of the standard parts. 
For example, ⊗6INFO-OBTAINER⊗*
has no new demons or co-requisites, so no parallel processing need be simulated.

⊗2↓_5.2. Keeping the User Informed_↓⊗*

In the earlier conversation excerpts, the simulated human user had no trouble
whatever understanding what the simulated experts asked him. In the actual
programmed PUP6 system, the human who was sitting at the teletype quite
⊗4rarely⊗* understood what was wanted by the Beings. He frequently had to
interrupt them and ask them questions about who was in control, why, what
he was trying to do, what had recently transpired, etc. These ideally can
be phrased as simple retrievals and EVALs of active Beings' parts.
The Being parts
most often called for by the user are the simple one-line "orientation"
templates. These include WHAT, HOW, WHY, and AFFECTS.  For 
theoretical reasons explained
later, the synthesized program, CF, was writen as a pool of Beings itself
(by PUP6, but not during the protocol. Actually, a fortuitous 
"bug" in PUP6 created this intriguing situation.)
Although its question-answering ability is inferior to PUP6, the fact that it
has ⊗4any⊗* such power was surprising to the author. In other words,
one can interrupt the target program as it is running
and ask questions. Any Being on the control stack will provide fully instantiated
answers to any of its 29 allowable queries (its parts); all other Beings will provide only
hypothetical answers. As an example, consider this actual excerpt of a human
using the CF program synthesized by PUP6.
(Some liberty has been taken with the
English; e.g., the user really types ⊗4WHAT?⊗*, not ⊗4What are you doing?⊗*)
"???" simply means "guess the name of the scene with these objects and relations".
CF types in ⊗4italics⊗*, the user in ⊗2boldface.⊗*

CF: Ready to accept brand new scene.
⊗2User: (??? (A B) (Block A) (Wedge B) (Touches A B))⊗*
CF: Not an Arch. Not a Tower. Might be a Row.
→My guess is Row.   What is it Really? 
⊗2User:  Nothing⊗*
CF: Transfer from the May to the Must set of the
→Row model, the feature: (Block  B)
CF: Ready to accept brand new scene.

Here is the ⊗4same⊗* excerpt, but with the user interrupting occasionally.
signifies he has interrupted,
and "⊗2OK.⊗*" signifies "⊗2Go back to work now, CF.⊗*"

→	⊗2U:  What are you doing?⊗*
CF:  Divide a domain into subdomains,
     using specialized version of PARTITION-DOMAIN.
→ 	⊗2How?⊗*
CF:  By building up the partition gradually,
     by adding one <scene, name> pair.   →⊗2OK.⊗*
CF: Ready to accept brand new scene.
⊗2User: (??? (A B) (Block A) (Wedge B) (Touches A B))⊗*
→	⊗2U:  What are you doing?⊗*
CF:  Break OBJECTS piece off input scene to examine.
→	⊗2What code is the current Being going to execute?⊗*
CF:  The meta-code is (CADR arg1). Evals to (A B). →⊗2OK.⊗*
CF: Not an Arch.→⊗2U:  Why?⊗*
    is contradicted in the SCENE.→⊗2OK.⊗*
CF: Not a Tower. Might be a Row.  My guess is Row.
      What is it really?→⊗2U:  Why are you asking?⊗*
CF: I must resolve it now, but can't, so I ask User.
→	⊗2OK. What you wanted is:   Nothing⊗*
→	⊗2U:  What are you doing now?⊗*
CF: Go through space of concept names, and make user 
    aware of changes.→⊗2What Beings might this affect?⊗*
CF: MESSAGE is possibly called; some version of TEST
    is possibly called.→⊗2OK.⊗*
CF: Transfer from the May to the Must set of the
    Row model, the feature: (Block B)→⊗2U: Why?⊗*
CF: Change model of ROW until it contradicts
    the previous inputted Scene.→⊗2OK.⊗*
CF: Ready to accept brand new scene.


⊗5↓_6. Theory of Pure Beings Systems_↓⊗*

We now discuss the constraints each Being, and each group of Beings, must
conform to. Hopefully, ideas will be separated from implementation
details, prejudices from  plausible features.

It would be aesthetically pleasing to restrict all entities in the system to be
Beings. However, this would cause an infinite regress, 
as each part of each Being would
have parts which had parts... To stop this, one can assert that at some finite
level, all constructs are primitive. ACTORs, for example, set this level to
zero; Beings set it to one. ACTORs themselves are primitive, 
but only ⊗4parts⊗* of Beings can be. For this reason, Beings can not be
viewed as a convergent recursive definition, as can ACTORs.

Suppose it were decreed that the only autonomous entities possessing control
abilities were Beings. 
In particular, we forbid any plain ⊗4functions⊗* to
In the case of an automatic programming task, the Beings would have to write new
Beings, not new LISP functions. The target program would thus itself be a
community of Beings. In order to fill in all the parts, a vast amount 
of superfluous information would be collected. These supplementary
facts can be viewed as a standardized, organized body of
⊗4documentation⊗*, a formatted system of comments tacked onto each Being produced.

Which Beings would write the new Beings?  Looking back at our interdisciplinary
experts, we see that each expert is responsible for distilling his own essential
contribution, which is then encoded by a programmer.  Perhaps each Being should be
able to direct construction of new, specialized Beings which relate to it. If
no Being relates to a task, then it can't be coded; if several respond, they
should cooperate. This ability is in reality the SPECIALIZATIONS part of each Being
(see Appendix 1). The Being which actually does the creation
(⊗6CODER⊗*) in the experimental system is almost trivial, getting very
precise instructions from other Beings.

Since the pool must communicate with the user, some Beings must translate
quasi-English phrases into calls on Beings.  Drawing again on our experts
analogy, we require that each Being recognize his own relevance. So translation
is merely the act of asking the whole pool "Who can recognize this...", collecting
the responders, having ⊗4them⊗* decide who should take control, and letting the
winner do the translation. Most communication is done as if it, too, were such
a translation activity.

One bias is the rejection of debugging as a fundamental programming tool.
It is felt to be worth the extra effort to make the system's internal model of the
current partial target program ⊗4correct⊗*. Debugging demands detective work,
examing one's earlier efforts for flaws, for details which have been overlooked.
Any tireless system  should not
ignore details, but rather defer them,
asserting a warning to this effect when it does so. Procrastination 
is quite valuable; in PUP6, much effort
is spent deferring any unresolvable decision.
Undeferrable unresolvable decisions must cause a backtrack  point to be
reluctantly set up. Another prejudice is that most carelessness bugs can be 
eliminated by this deferral, feed-forward, and precise record-keeping. Humans
depend on their adaptability to compensate for limitations in their brain
hardware, but there is no need for an ⊗4automatic⊗* programming system to do so.
These biasses are not inherent in the Beings formulation, but only in the design
of the PUP6 system (and in the mind of the author).

To clarify what Beings are and are not, they are contrasted with some other
ideas. FRAMES[4] are sufficiently amorphous to subsume Beings. In philosophy,
FRAMES are meant to model perception, and intentionally rely on implicit
default values; Beings intentionally avoid making decisions by default.
This is also the difference  between HACKER and PUP6.
Since PUP6 writes structured programs, it should be distinguished from macro
expansion. Macro procedures expand mechanically:
⊗2expand(sequence   m⊗71⊗2  m⊗72⊗2) = (sequence  
expand(m⊗71⊗2)  expand(m⊗72⊗2)))⊗1. Beings could use
information gleaned during expansion of m⊗71⊗* to improve the way m⊗72⊗*
was handled.
ACTORs[3], unlike Beings, have no fixed structure imposed, and do not broadcast
their messages (they  specify who gets each message, by name, to a bureaucracy).


Beings subsume (inefficiently) many popular AI features;
the demonstration will be brief:
A ⊗4demon⊗* could be replaced by a Being whose ARG-CHECK predicate was the
triggering predicate, whose WHEN part was high enough to ensure frequent
attention, and whose META-CODE part was the body of the demon. An ⊗4assertion⊗*
in an associative data network
could be a Being with only an IDEN part filled in; when it recognizes its
relevance, a fully instantiated assertion is returned. A ⊗4function⊗* is
equivalent to a Being with only a META-CODE, ARGS, and EVAL-ARGS parts; one knows
almost nothing about it before executing it.
The inefficiencies should be clear: whenever a Being throws a question open to the
floor, "Who can...", it takes an amount of time proportional to the number of
Beings in the system. One would introduce this huge time factor by 
replacing any of the above mechanisms by Beings.

The ⊗4number⊗* of Being parts  seems to indicate 
the balance between uniformity and structure in the community.
This was touched on as point (2) of Section 4.
A small universal set of Being parts is necessary to
preserve some of the advantages of uniformity
(easy addition of knowledge to the system, easy inter-Being communication). This
demands that the number of parts of each Being be, say, under 100. But it is
the complex structure of a Being which makes complex behaviors feasable, including
flexible communication as well as viable final products. 
So each Being should have many parts, say at least ten.
This range, ⊗610 ≤ ||Q|| ≤ 100⊗*,
is wide for the domain of automatic programming. In other
domains, it may be narrow or disappear altogether; this would indicate that
Beings could ⊗4not⊗* be used effectively for those tasks.


⊗5↓_7. Experimental Results_↓⊗*

Two of the most significant questions for automatic programming systems are
what programs are synthesized, and what kinds of things the user must tell the

⊗2↓_7.1. Character of the Dialogue between User and PUP6_↓⊗*

By lumping all the parts of the PUP6 system together conceptually, the
interaction is seen as a ⊗4dialogue⊗* between a human user and an automatic
programming system.  The level of detail maintained in the earlier polylogue
(discussions among the experts)
obscured what the human actually saw and responded. Below is the same excerpt 
as was presented in Section 2,
but as the ⊗4user⊗* sitting at a teletype actually saw it.
These were the initial few lines of an actual 300-page long dialogue. In section 2,
this excerpt was presented the way experts (the same way the PUP6 Beings)
discussed it.

PUP: I want any task.
USER: Write a program which does concept formation
PUP: I am about to write a program for the task: 
    	   ⊗6specialized kind of CONCEPT-FORMATION⊗*. 
PUP: Give me a proper name for this program. 
		(I suggest CF or CONCEPT)
PUP: Must CF mimic different human subjects? 
PUP: I am temporarily replacing the task  "⊗6specialized
	kind of CONCEPT-FORMATION⊗*" by the simpler
	task  "⊗6specialized kind of PARTITION-A-DOMAIN⊗*".
From the above, one gets the true impression that the dialogue was fairly tedious:
choosing names and resolving design decisions ⊗4was⊗* 
the user's main role. There were,
in sum, about 300 such responses involved in generating CF. 13 crucial responses
were also necessary,
where the user supplies needed information that was not explicitly requested by
the Beings.
A few of these key lines are: ⊗4Write a program which does
concept formation; An "element of the domain of stimuli" is a static scene; The
guessing process is one of searching, not computing; Terminate the loop iff any
model feature is incompatible with the scene's features⊗*. 

The translation mechanism is simply the IDEN parts of all the Beings. Each such
part contains a few productions, which are united with those of the other Beings
into one large production system. The left side of a production is a template
which is matched against the given phrase. The right side is a small program to
be executed in case the phrase is recognized. Generally, that program simply says
to translate some subphrase of the phrase, and then (probably) pass control
to the Being which this is in the IDEN part of.
While not up to the "state of the art" in natural language processing, this is both
adequate and faithful to the spirit of distributing problems over 
all the Beings, by making them ⊗4parts⊗*, so it is each Being's duty to know a
little about them.

During the course of the dialogue, PUP6 originates the idea of a MUST/MUSTNOT/MAY
structuring of each model's features. Here is how the user sees that portion of
the synthesis. Notice that
only the first user comment is other than a simple choice.

PUP: How do we know when to terminate this loop?

USER: Terminate iff any feature in model-features is incompatible with scene-features

PUP: PUP wants USER to type in name for specialized version of CONTRADICTS


PUP: Move cursor to IMPOSS type of CONTRADICTS. I can no longer defer this decision: 
A: Contradiction arises from features who have probability=1 of occurring.
B: Contradiction arises from features who have probability=0 of occurring.
C: Contradiction arises from features who have probability>0&<1 of occurring
Please type some of: A,B,C; or type: Defer, ?, or Details.

USER: A, B, and C are all relevant.

PUP: I recommend that each model's features be structured (along 1 dimension) into these 3 pieces:
PRESENT, which will hold features whose occurrence should have probability=1;
ABSENT,  which will hold features whose occurrence should have probability=0; and
EITHER,  which will hold features whose occurrence should have any other probability.
Please type back YES, NO, UNSURE, DETAILS, and/or 3 new names.


PUP: Too long. Nicknamed Must, Mustnot, May.

PUP: Located 3 references to model's features in code generated so far.
In each case, the reference has been replaced by "(APPEND Must Mustnot May)".

This is PUP6 at its best: making just the "right" inference at the "right" time.
The hundreds of inter-Being transfers are masked: the system appears to type
out just what is necessary. The next few paragraphs dispell this false illusion;
there is no mystery to PUP6's doing the right things, and any 
⊗4typical⊗* dialogue excerpt would be boringly verbose.

Because of its genesis from a single "experts meeting" protocol,
the PUP6 pool of Beings was (i) easily able to reproduce that "proper" dialogue,
but (ii)
incapable of widely varied dialogues with the user.
Two assumptions implicit
in using the simulated experts' discussion as a literal model
turned out to be serious: the abilities of any
actual user of PUP6 must coincide with those of the user who was simulated in the
protocol, and the order of and wording of the actual user's comments must closely
adhere to those of the user in the protocol. Such difficulties must be overcome
in any system
designed for wide usership, but were considered ignorable in the specific
automatic code generation task at hand.

as a result of this approach to system specification, each Being had only those
parts specified which it actually would need in the ensuing dialogue.
Part of the difficulty with new dialogues stemmed from this minimal completion.
In the protocol, when a decision was made by experts,
the knowledge necessary to follow the
⊗4other⊗* alternative branch was not used, nor were such superfluous
facts supplied to the Beings in PUP6. Thus
the user of PUP6 must almost always resolve each choice the way the simulated
(protocol) user did.
It is felt that if all the parts of all the Beings had been faithfully filled
in, this problem would have subsided. Basically, the difficulty is one of
modelling all the possibly relevant knowledge an expert has, rather than
(as was done) just capturing enough of his knowledge to do a few given tasks.

While all the Beings' interactions were invisible to the user, the system still
swamped him with data about what was going on. For example,
most of the entities he was asked to name were never referred to again by name. The 
converse problem existed as well: it was necessary to include a Being which
simulated forgetfulness, to prevent, e.g., anaphora spanning minutes of real time.
Orienting the user was not solved satisfactorally. Pointers into
a graph of generated code were simulated, but often a user wished to refer to
a piece of code not by name or by pointing, but by some brief meaningful
(to him only!) phrase.

⊗2↓_7.2. The Range of Programs Synthesized by PUP6_↓⊗*

The system, PUP6, did eventually synthesize CF, 
the target concept formation program.
PUP6 was 200 pages of INTERLISP[6],  CF was 30 pages long (6 pages when
coded by hand during the protocol). CF was generated in 60 cpu minutes
(compiled, PDP-10 TENEX). The dialogue consisted of 300K characters typed by
PUP6, and 4K by the user. It occupied 300 pages, and five hours of real time.

Despite the lack of dialogue flexibility,
it ⊗4was⊗* felt that
most of the Beings could be useful in generating other programs. For this
reason, two additional target programs were specified. They were 
synthesized with little change to PUP6, but only by someone familiar
with the system.

The second target program, GI, is a grammatical inference program, which accepts
strings labelled LEGAL, ILLEGAL, or ??. In the latter case, GI must guess the
legality. Internally, potential sets of rules are maintained. Of the original
pool, 49 out of the 87  Beings were used in synthesizing both targets.
Four totally new Beings had to be added, related to formal grammars and rules.
Unfortunately, the addition of ⊗4any⊗* new Beings demands that the
user be acquainted with the format conventions of PUP6.
The GI program generated was 20 pages long; a hand-coded
version was one-fifth that size.

PL was the final target program attempted, a simple property list manipulator.
It repeatedly accepts requests from the user to insert, inspect, or delete
some record(s). Any unspecified fields are treated as don't-cares, so a simple
pattern-matcher had to be synthesized.
Two Beings had to be ⊗4added⊗* to PUP6. The important piece of data is that
about half of the original PUP6 pool of Beings 
were actually used in  ⊗4all three⊗* target-synthesizing dialogues.

As proposed in Section 6, the Beings generate other Beings, never plain
functions. This explains the huge increases in target code lengths
in the PUP6 versions compared to the versions produced by hand when
simulating the experts (who wrote the target programs as functions).
CF was a pool of 56 brand new Beings, GI 37, and PL 24. As
with PUP6, one can interrupt the target programs as they are running
and ask questions. Any Being on the control stack will provide fully instantiated
answers to any of its 29 allowable queries (its parts); all other Beings will provide only
hypothetical answers. Recall the excerpt from CF itself running, found in section

Some of the difficulties stem from the nature of the task. In any long dialogue,
the user often forgets, changes his mind, errs, etc. A very sophisticated user
model would be necessary to accomodate this errorful process in a
non-debugging system. 
Without such abilities, the system itself may be led into error.
While most bugs ⊗4are⊗* avoidable by careful
record-keeping, it proved unrealistic to make no provision for debugging a
new thirty-page program. When a few errors did occur in CF, PUP6 itself had
to be altered.  


⊗5↓_8. Conclusions_↓⊗*

⊗2↓_8.1. About PUP6_↓⊗*

What have we learned from this experimental study? The overall
feasability of Beings was demonstrated, but the difficulties of communicating
with the user made the system almost impossible to work with. 
The set of
questions the user was expected to want to ask is the same as the set that one
Being can ask another: the Being parts. When the "nice" user interrupts, his
questions are translated trivially into a simple retrieval. Real users are
seldom nice; the Beings generally misunderstood what users asked.

To modify PUP6 to synthesize new programs, it was necessary to add a few
general-purpose programming and communication Beings, 
plus add several 
Beings specific to the new program's domain, plus
generalize a few existing Beings' parts.
The dialogue to produce the new program may
be poorly suited to that domain, since most of the
recognized phrases stem from a single (CF-producing) protocol.

To improve PUP6's performance, one could add some debugging 
specialist Beings, some dialogue specialists, 
some sophisticated user psychology experts (why is the user
asking me that question, what needn't I tell him, how should I direct his
attention), some Beings whose task is to aid the untrained user in inserting new
domain-specific Beings, and perhaps a whole library of varied specialist Beings.

⊗2↓_8.2. About Beings_↓⊗*

The performance of the Beings representation itself in PUP6 is mixed.
Two advantages were hoped for by using a uniform set of Being parts.
Addition of new Beings to the pool was not easy (for untrained users)
but communication among
Beings ⊗4was⊗* easy (fast, natural). Two
advantages were hoped for by keeping the Beings highly structured.
The interactions (especially with the user) were
brittle, but
the complex tasks put to the pool ⊗4were⊗* successfully completed.

The crippling problems are seen to be with user-system communication,
not with the Beings ideas themselves.
Sophisticated, bug-free programs ⊗4were⊗* generated, after hours of fairly high
level dialogue with an active user, after tens of thousands of messages passed
among the Beings.
Part of this success is attributed to distributing
the responsibility for writing code and for recognizing relevance, to a hundred
entities, rather than having a few central monitors worry about everything.
The standardization of parts made filling in the Beings' contents fairly painless.

What ⊗4are⊗* Beings good for?
For which tasks won't the problems encountered in PUP6 recur? 
The idea of a fixed set of parts (which distinguishes them from ACTORs) is
useful if the mass of knowledge is 
too huge for one individual to keep "on top" of.
It then should be organized in a
very uniform way (to simplify preparing it for storage), 
yet it must also be highly structured
(to speed up retrieval).

For these reasons, the author is currently
as a potential task domain,
"research in elementary number theory".
This has the added benefit of isolating the problems in representation research
from the staggering complexities of natural
language handling. 
Beings are big and slow, but valuable for organizing knowledge in ways 
meaningful to how it will be used. In the future 
Automated Mathematician system, Beings will be one
-- but not the only -- 
internal mechanism for representing and manipulating knowledge.




[1] Green, Waldinger, Barstow, Elschlager, Lenat, McCune, Shaw, and Steinberg,
⊗4Progress Report on Program-Understanding Systems⊗*, Memo AIM-240,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
August, 1974.

[2] Hempel, Carl G., ⊗4Fundamentals of Concept Formation in
Empirical Science⊗*, Chicago: U. Chicago, 1952.

[3] Hewitt, Carl, ⊗4A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for
Artificial Intelligence⊗*, Third International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence,
1973, pp. 235-245.

[4] Minsky, Marvin, ⊗4Frames⊗*, in (P. Winston, ed.) ⊗4Psychology of Computer
Vision⊗*, New York: McGraw Hill, 1975.

[5] Newell, A., ⊗4Production Systems: Models of Control Structures⊗*, in
(W. Chase, ed.),
⊗4Visual Information Processing⊗*, New York: Academic Press, 1973.

[6] Teitelman, Warren, ⊗4INTERLISP Reference
Manual⊗*, XEROX PARC, Palo Alto, Ca., 1974.

[7] Winston, Patrick, ⊗4Learning Structural Descriptions
from Examples⊗*,
MIT Project MAC, TR-231,
September, 1970.

[8] Woods, W.A., and Makhoul, J., ⊗4Mechanical Inference Problems in
Continuous Speech Understanding⊗*, Third IJCAI,
1973, pp. 200-207.

hours of creative discussions were quite important.
In particular, the author  acknowledges
C. Green, R. Waldinger,
D. Shaw, and E. Sacerdoti.
Computer time was generously provided by the Artificial
Intelligence Center of SRI.

⊗5↓_Appendix 1: A Typical Being_↓⊗*

We consider 
⊗6INFO-OBTAINER⊗*, a Being which is independent of task domain.
Below is listed, for each part, its abbreviated name (in bold),
an English question that it might (try to) answer, and
the stored program which should
try to answer it (often a simple template or a constant).
The percentages given indicate how many of the (ultimately 100) Beings in PUP6
actually used that part during the synthesis of one of the three target programs.

.TABS 8,9,10,12,15
.TURN ON "\→"

⊗2WHAT⊗*\What do you do? Summarize your basic idea.→82%
⊗2WHY⊗*\Justification? Summarize your motivation.→77%
⊗2HOW⊗*\Global strategy? Summarize your method.→72%
⊗2IDEN⊗*  Do you recognize: "Find out more about frob
  gyrnation"?      (if I see either phrase:
  then I return: (INFO-OBTAINER (TRANSLATE any1)))→54%
⊗2EXPLICIT-ARGS⊗*\     What argument(s) do you take?  (U)→63%
⊗2EVAL-ARGS⊗*\  Which are quoted, not evaluated?  NIL→4%
⊗2IMPLICIT-ARGS⊗*\     What local variables are needed?  NIL→11%
⊗2WHEN⊗*\When should you take control (justify your answer)?
  ((if T then add in -10 because →19%
  (if New-Info-List then add in  (Plus  100  (Length  New-Info-List))
⊗2REQUISITES⊗*  What must you ensure is true just before
  (pre) and after (post) you go?    NIL→10%
⊗2DEMONS⊗*\   What demons should you activate while you're
  in control?    NIL→7%
⊗2META-CODE⊗*\  What happens when you are in control?→70%
⊗2COMMENTS⊗*   Do you have any special hints for filling
  in undefined subparts of this Being?   NIL→16%
⊗2STRUCTURE⊗*   Viewing this Being as a data structure,
  what can you do to it?  NIL→4%
⊗2MAIN-EFFECTS⊗*  Can you cause this goal to occur:
  "Usable information exists"?→27%
  ((to get (NEW INFORMATION any1) or to get
⊗2AFFECTS⊗*\  What other Beings might you call on directly?→14%
  ((CHOOSE-FROM is called)
   (call on some Being who can satisfy the goal:
   (GET-NEW-INFORMATION possibly is called)
   (TRANSLATE possibly is called)
   (ANALYZE-IMPLICATIONS possibly is called)
   (EXTRACT-RELEVANT-SUBSET possibly is called) )
⊗2GENERALIZATIONS⊗*  What Beings are more general than
⊗2ALTERNATIVES⊗*\       What Beings are similar to you, to try 
  in case you fail?→16%    (USE-INFORMATION, OPTIMIZE,
⊗2ENCODABLE⊗*     Any special constraints on what order
  the parts should be evalled in?     NIL →9%
⊗2COMPLEXITY-VECTOR⊗*  How costly are you?→92%
\(.5 .5 .9 .5 .1)
A vector of utility measures.
The first component says that ⊗6INFO-OBTAINER⊗* is of average
difficulty to call. Next, there exists a .5 chance that some descendant
will call it again. Next: this activity almost
always succeeds. The time/space used in allowing this Being to try
is typical. Finally, there is no good reason for inhibiting
it ever.  In general, each component can be a ⊗4program⊗*,
not just a constant.
These weights, like the contents of all the parts
of all the Beings initially in the experimental PUP6 system, 
were decided upon and inserted by